The Indianapolis Intergroup
Find A Meeting

Central Office Location

Meeting Updates

2320 S. Tibbs Avenue
Suite C
Indianapolis, IN 46241

*In cases of inclement weather, please call us before heading out*

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 4:30 pm EST

Get Directions

Contact Us

Indianapolis Spanish Intergroup:


Intergroup continues to post meeting changes as we know of them. If you know your home group meeting has moved or any other changes, please email the Intergroup Office at  or call 317-632-7864.

*Meeting Notices*


*New Meetings*

Indiana Deaf AA, IN School for the Deaf, Fridays 7-9pm, Closed, Discussion, ASL only (no spoken english)

Digging Up the Grapevine, P-30 Indpls, Monday 4:30pm, Open, Literature


December 2024 Meeting Directory Booklets are here! Call to place your order.

*Central Office is now open from 10:30 am – Noon on Intergroup Meeting Days*

The Online Meetings Directory is now located at the bottom of the Home page. Scroll down and click the blue ‘Online Meetings Directory’ button for information. We do not update or have information about online meetings, other than what is listed in our Meetings directory.

7th Tradition Contributions

Indianapolis Intergroup - Venmo
Intergroup Venmo

* Please include the Group name contributing as a note with the contribution, as well as Little Green Can if applicable

*All transactions can be hidden in the settings in your Venmo account

Contributions can also be made through Paypal on their secure site.

* Please add a message indicating the Group or Meeting name, as well as Little Green Can if applicable.

Contribution Information

** When mailing contributions, please include the Group Meeting Name so we can properly allocate the funds to your group. Also, please add in the note if the contribution is for the Little Green Can.

*You can contribute for Faithul Fivers and Birthday Club on Venmo & PayPal as well! Be sure to note that with your donation. If you have any questions, please contact Central Office.

Faithful Fivers – Contribute $5 a month (or $60 annually) as an individual wanting to support Intergroup

Birthday Club – Contribute the dollar amount of the years of your sobriety on your AA Anniversary

Upcoming Events

Future Events

Monthly Intergroup Meeting

Sunday, March 9, 2025

This months meeting will be at the UAW Shelter House

2320 S Tibbs Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46241

*Pancake Breakfast at 8:30AM*

Meeting starts at 9:30AM

Due to our tradition of anonymity, we no longer include financials in the Fact Sheet online. You may pick up a copy of them at the Intergroup monthly meeting or at the Central Office. 


*There is lots to be a part of – Be sure to check the Events page!*

Service Opportunities

S.O.S. Sheets Of Sobriety


Volunteers needed to take AA meetings into Jails around the area. There are some requirements to volunteer. Please reach out if interested!

Contact: Anne N. or Bryan E. at:

Public Information Committee

We are collecting Grapevines! Please bring to the monthly IG Meeting or drop off at Central Office. Looking for volunteers for the P.I. committee & those willing to take pamphlets & Grapevines into Libraries.

Contact:  Amy L. or Brenda R. at:

Telephone Answering Service & 12 Step Call List

Take calls after office hours or help update the 12 Step Call List. Looking for people willing to take a shift or fill-in as needed. Co-Chair needed.

Contact: John L. at:

Archives Committee

Audio Archives available under the ‘Resources’ tab – check it out! Looking for A.A. history materials to add to the Indianapolis Archives.

Contact: Kathleen or Rob at:

Intergroup Volunteers at Central Office

Help answer calls & attend to Intergroup business.

Call  317-632-7864 if you can help!

Cooperation with the Professional Community

Provides presentations about A.A. to the Professional Community. Co-Chair needed. Contact LeAnne C. at: 

Treatment Committee

12 Step work happens here!  Volunteer your group to take the message of AA into the treatment centers. Coverage full until April 2025. 24-Hour tokens needed. Contact Dylan T. or Justin S. at:


Development Committee

Volunteers are needed to attend meetings without Intergroup Reps. Guides & Flyers are available. Co-Chair needed. Contact: Matt F. at:


*Sign up for Service work with ANY committee by scanning the QR Code below! 

Subscribe to Indianapolis Sheets Of Sobriety

SOS Archive (Previous Editions)

SOS needs to hear your experience, strength & hope! Send your thoughts or story to


Alcoholics Anonymous

is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A. A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A. A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. read more…

Is A.A. For You?

Twelve questions only you can answer.
Take the quiz now

Is there an Alcoholic in your life?

A.A.’s Message of Hope

Video History of A.A. in Indianapolis

Click to watch

Meeting Guide

About Meeting Guide

Meeting Guide syncs with area, district, intergroup/central offices and international general service office websites, relaying meeting information from more than 400 A.A. service entities directly to the app. Over 100,000 weekly meetings are currently listed, and the information is refreshed twice daily.

Meeting Guide features
  • Listing of both in-person and online meetings
  • A default view that provides a list of meetings showing time, location and meeting name
  • A meeting detail view that offers extra information such as meeting format and any notes provided by the group
  • A search function to find meetings by location or keyword
  • A daily quote feature lets users read from “Daily Reflections”
  • Multiple access points that make finding local A.A. contact information easy
  • A news feature with the latest from the General Service Office and Grapevine
Meeting Guide is a free-of-charge meeting finder app.

The app helps people find A.A. meetings and resources near them. A.A. service entities provide the meeting data for the app. Meeting Guide is available for iOS and Android smartphones.

Online Meetings

Online Meetings Directory